Preventative Care
Preventative dental care keeps your smile bright and healthy and your dental costs down.
Dentist’s Office Hours
Monday through Thursday
8:00 am to 5 pm
Dr. Vandewater’s office is conveniently located in West County on Clarkson Road just south of Clayton Road and the Daniel Boone Library.
Preventative Care
Dr. Vandewater encourages all of his patients to schedule regular appointments every six months to a year to keep their teeth clean and gums healthy. Most dental insurance plans cover annual or semi-annual visits for preventative care at low or no cost to the patient.
Preventative dental care is important to keep gums from becoming swollen and inflamed. The effects of inflamed gums don’t stop in the mouth. They have been linked to hardening of the walls of the arteries and heart disease. Gums that are inflamed can be treated with advanced techniques to limit damage and future tooth loss.
Preventative care includes:
- An examination of your teeth and gums
- Oral cancer screening
- Scaling and polishing (cleaning)
- Early cavity detection using DIAGNOdent laser
- Digital x-rays.
- Fluoride treatment for adults and children
- Sealants to prevent tooth decay
- Bite analysis screening
- Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) screening
- Periodontal (gum and bone) screening.
Dr. Vandewater may use a diagnostic laser called DIAGNOdent during a preventative dental care visit to detect early tooth decay. When decay is found early, he can give fluoride to children and adults to reverse the damage. Dental sealants can also be used to fill in the pits and grooves of teeth to prevent decay on the chewing surface.